Understanding the Code: Making an API Call with XMLHttpRequest


5 min read

This blog post will walk you through an example of how to make an API call using JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object and track its different states.

What is XMLHttpRequest?

The XMLHttpRequest object is a built-in JavaScript object used to send and receive HTTP requests from a server asynchronously. It's primarily used to make API calls in web applications to fetch data without needing to reload the page.

In the code example below, we will make a GET request to the GitHub API to retrieve user data and log some of the response details to the console.

Breakdown of the Code

HTML Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<body style="background-color:black;color: white;">
    0  UNSENT    Client has been created. open() not called yet.
    1  OPENED    open() has been called.
    2  HEADERS_RECEIVED    send() has been called, and headers and status are available.
    3  LOADING    Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
    4  DONE    The operation is complete.
    const requesturl='https://api.github.com/users/SMD111-git'
    const xhr=new XMLHttpRequest()
        if (xhr.readyState===4) {
            const data=JSON.parse(this.responseText)
            console.log(typeof  data)

Let’s break it down step-by-step:


<body style="background-color:black;color: white;">
    0  UNSENT    Client has been created. open() not called yet.
    1  OPENED    open() has been called.
    2  HEADERS_RECEIVED    send() has been called, and headers and status are available.
    3  LOADING    Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
    4  DONE    The operation is complete.

This part of the code contains some text to visually represent the different states of an XMLHttpRequest. These states are shown in the browser to understand the progression of the request, from the initial state (UNSENT) to when the request is complete (DONE).

JavaScript Code Explanation

const requesturl = 'https://api.github.com/users/SMD111-git';

Here, we define the URL to the GitHub API. This URL will provide information about the user SMD111-git, such as their followers, repositories, and more.

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

We create a new instance of the XMLHttpRequest object. This will be used to make the API request.

xhr.open('GET', requesturl);

The open() method initializes the request. In this case, we are using the GET method to request data from the provided requesturl.

  • 'GET': This is the HTTP method. GET is used to fetch data from the server.

  • requesturl: This is the URL from which we want to fetch data (the GitHub API for the SMD111-git user).

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {

The onreadystatechange property is an event handler that is triggered every time the state of the request changes. The readyState property holds the current state of the request, and we log it to the console to track how the request is progressing.

Here’s what the states mean:

  • 0 (UNSENT): The request has been created, but the open() method has not yet been called.

  • 1 (OPENED): The open() method has been called, but the request has not been sent yet.

  • 2 (HEADERS_RECEIVED): The send() method has been called, and the headers and status are available.

  • 3 (LOADING): The request is downloading, and partial data is available in responseText.

  • 4 (DONE): The operation is complete, and we have received the full response.

if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
    const data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
    console.log(typeof data);

Once the request reaches the DONE state (xhr.readyState === 4), we:

  1. Parse the Response: this.responseText contains the response from the server, which is a JSON string. We use JSON.parse() to convert it into a JavaScript object.

  2. Log the Type of Data: console.log(typeof data) will show that the data is now an object.

  3. Log Specific Data: Finally, we log data.followers, which will display the number of followers of the user SMD111-git on GitHub.


This sends the actual request to the server. After this, the onreadystatechange event handler will be triggered as the request progresses through its states.

How This Code Works:

  1. Create a Request: A new XMLHttpRequest object (xhr) is created.

  2. Configure the Request: The open() method is called to set up the request with the GET method and the GitHub API URL.

  3. Monitor Request States: The onreadystatechange handler is set up to monitor the different states of the request.

  4. Send the Request: The send() method is called to send the request to the server.

  5. Handle Response: Once the request is completed (when xhr.readyState === 4), the response data is logged to the console.

Expected Output

If everything works correctly, in the Developer Console of the browser (accessible by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I), you will see:

  1. ReadyState Changes: The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 representing the states of the request.

  2. Data Output: The type of the parsed data (which will be object), followed by the number of followers of the GitHub user SMD111-git.


This example demonstrates how to use the XMLHttpRequest object to make an asynchronous HTTP request in JavaScript. By tracking the state of the request with onreadystatechange, we can see how it progresses through its various stages, from opening the request to receiving the response.

Although XMLHttpRequest is a powerful tool, newer libraries like fetch() are often used today due to their simpler syntax and more modern features. However, understanding how XMLHttpRequest works is still valuable, especially for legacy projects.

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